The University of Hong Kong

Department of Physics


Physics Laboratory


Laboratory Rules


1.         Any Late lab Registration or Change of lab time slot might be considered upon availability but with 30% mark deduction (unless there is time clash with quiz or mid-term)


2.         No plagiarism of any kind will be tolerated. This is the most serious academic offence and would result in the disqualification of any laboratory work.


3.         The lab manuals and related documentations are all available on the web site. Please ensure that you have downloaded and thoroughly studied these well before your laboratory session. It will be assumed that you will have studied the laboratory manual and have understood the majority of the material and technical terms before the start of your experiment.


4.         You must not leave your equipment unattended. If you need to leave the laboratory briefly or otherwise, please inform a demonstrator or the technician.


5.         If you need to take absence from your book session for attending a lecture, you must obtain prior permission from Dr. Jenny Lee, the Coordinator, and notify your demonstrator. In fact, you are not encouraged to book a laboratory session with a clashing lecture. If this is unavoidable, only one lecture slot is allowed during a single laboratory session. This exceptional permission is granted on condition that you can finish the experiment within that session.


6.         Under normal circumstances, no second or further session will be granted for an experiment. Thus, it is imperative that you make efficient use of the three hours that you have booked. Further lab sessions can only be granted by Dr. Jenny Lee, Laboratory Coordinator, and are granted only under very exceptional circumstances such as sickness (as certified by a medical certificate) or major failure of equipment.


7.         No absence or late-coming are allowed. A no-show session or late-show over 30 minutes automatically scores zero mark. A replacement lab session can only be granted by Dr. Jenny Lee, Laboratory Coordinator, and is granted only under very exceptional circumstances such as sickness (as certified by a medical certificate).


8.         For security reasons, you are only allowed to work in the Experimental Physics Laboratory for the experiment and sessions you have booked. No student is allowed to handle other equipment not related to the booked practical. Nor is he/she allowed to be present in the laboratory outside the booked sessions.


9.         Also, for security reasons, no visitors are allowed in the laboratory.


10.    Please refrain from drinking or eating.


11.    To ensure your fellow students can proceed with their experiments in a degree of comfort and without undue noise and other disturbances, keep the noise level down and stay in your own laboratory bench area.


12.    Please refrain from using any mobile phone.


13.    For your safety, wearing slippers is strictly forbidden in the Physics Laboratory.


14.    Laboratory safety is paramount. No experiment should proceed if any part of your apparatus is found to be unsafe. Any faulty electrical connections, dangerous situation or faulty equipment should be reported to the technician immediately.


15.    Any laboratory accident, however minor, must be reported immediately the laboratory technician or any demonstrator present.