Jane Lixin Dai 戴麗心

I have been interested in high-energy astrophysics and  focused on relativistic astrophysical phenomena around black holes, such as tidal disruption events, black hole accretion disks and jets, X-ray reverberation, star - black hole - disk interactions, high-energy astroparticles and gravitational waves. For more details see here.

My recent publications, classes, talks and outreach/diversity efforts can also be found on my HKU scholar page.

My trajectory: 

I was born in a small mountain city in northeast China. I obtained BSc degrees in Physics and Mathematics from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and PhD degree in Physics from the Stanford University. After that I was a joint postdoctoral fellow at the University of Chile and Yale University, and then a postdoctoral research associate at the Univesity of Maryland. Prior to joining the Department of Physics at the University of Hong Kong, I was an Assistant Professor at the DARK center, Niels Bohr Institute, where I am now holding the Sophie Tycho Brahe visiting professorship. 


Email: lixindai ‘at’ hku.hk

Phone: (+852) 3910-2166


311J, CYM Physics Building,

The University of Hong Kong, 

Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong

© Jane Dai 2020