Academic StaffBACK

Professor Teruya Ishihara graduated from Department of Physics, the University of Tokyo in 1981 and continued to study in its graduate school. In 1984, he started working as an Assistant at Department of Physics, Tohoku University till 1993. During the period he received PhD from Tohoku University and stayed at Brown University as a visiting researcher in 1990-1992. He was an Associate Professor at Department of Physical Electronics, Hiroshima University during 1993-2000. He was a head of Exciton Engineering Laboratory at Frontier Research System, RIKEN in 1999-2007. He came back to Tohoku University in 2003 as a full professor and retired in March, 2023.
Professor Ishihara's research interest has been experimental investigation on optical properties of materials with characteristic features (especially related to optical nonlinearity), including layered semiconductors, semiconductors and metallic thin films with artificial sub-wavelength structures (metamaterials and metasurfaces).
- “Optical Properties due to Electronic Transitions in Two-Dimensional Semiconductors (CnH2n+1NH3)2PbI4,”, T. Ishihara, J. Takahashi and T. Goto, Phys. Rev. B, 42, 11099-11107 (1990)
- “Dielectric Confinement Effect on Excitons in PbI4-Based Layered Semiconductors”, X. Hong, T. Ishihara and A. V. Nurmikko, Phys. Rev. B, 45, 6961-6964 (1992)
- “(Zn, Cd)Se/ ZnSe Quantum-Well Lasers: Excitonic Gain in an Inhomogeneously Broadened QuasiTwo- Dimensional System,”, J. Ding, M. Hagerott, T. Ishihara, H. Jeon, and A.V. Nurmikko , Phys. Rev. B 47, 10528-10542 (1993)
- “Optica l Properties of PbI-Based Perovskite Structures,”, T. Ishihara, J. Luminescence, 60-61, 269-274 (1994)
- “Tunable polariton absorption of distributed feedback microcavities at room temperature”, T. Fujita, Y. Sato, T. Kuitani and T. Ishihara, Phys. Rev. B, 57, 12428-12434 (1998)
- “Second Harmonic Generation due to Quadrupole Interaction in a Photonic Crystal Slab: Angle Dependence and Symmetry of the Unit Cell”, T. Ishihara, K. Koshino, H. Nakashima, Phys Rev Lett., 91, 253901-1-253901-4 (2003)
- “Surface plasmon resonant interference nanolithography technique”, X. Luo and T. Ishihara, Appl. Phys. Lett., 84, 4780-4782 (2004)
- “s-polarization Brewster’s angle of stratified metal-dielectric metamaterial in optical regime,”, R. Watanabe, M. Iwanaga and T. Ishihara, physica status solidi b, 245, (2008), 2696-2701.
- “Transverse Photovoltage Induced by Circularly Polarized Light,”, T. Hatano, T. Ishihara, S. G. Tikhodeev and N. A. Gippius, Physical Review Letters, 103, 103906-1-103906-4 (2009)
- “Comparison of second harmonic generation from cross-polarized double-resonant metasurfaces on single crystals of Au,”, Y. B. Habibullah and T. Ishihara, Nanophotonics, 11: 1931–1939 (2022)