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Professor Yi Yang is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Physics at The University of Hong Kong (HKU). He obtained his bachelor's and master's degrees at Peking University and a Ph.D. degree at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He continued his postdoctoral research at MIT before joining HKU in 2022.
Professor Yang works on optical physics and nanophotonics. His research focuses on the interaction of light with materials, free electrons, and synthetic gauge fields.
- “Non‑Abelian physics in light and sound”, Yi Yang, Biao Yang, Guancong Ma, Jensen Li, Shuang Zhang, C. T. Chan, Science, adf9621 (2024)
- “Synthetic non‑Abelian gauge fields for non‑Hermitian systems”, Zehai Pang, Bengy Tsz Tsun Wong, Jinbing Hu, Yi Yang, Physical Review Letters 132, 043804, 2024
- "Photonic flatband resonances for free-electron radiation", Y. Yang, C. Roques-Carmes, S.E. Kooi, H. Tang, J. Beroz, E. Mazur, I. Kaminer, J.D. Joannopoulos, and M. Soljačić, Nature 613, 42 (2023)
- "A General Theoretical and Experimental Framework for Nanoscale Electromagnetism", Y. Yang, D. Zhu, W. Yan, A. Agarwal, M. Zheng, J. D. Joannopoulos, P. Lalanne, T. Christensen, K. K. Berggren, M. Soljačić, Nature 576, 248 (2019)
- "Synthesis and Observation of Non-Abelian Gauge Fields in Real Space", Y. Yang, C. Peng, D. Zhu, H. Buljan, J. D. Joannopoulos, B. Zhen, M. Soljačić, Science 365, 1021 (2019)
- "Maximal Spontaneous Photon Emission and Energy Loss from Free Electrons", Y. Yang, A. Massuda, C. Roques-Carmes, S. E. Kooi, T. Christensen, S. J Johnson, J. D. Joannopoulos, O. D. Miller, I. Kaminer, M. Soljačić, Nature Physics 14, 894 (2018)
- "Low-loss Plasmonic Dielectric Nanoresonators", Y. Yang, O.D. Miller, T. Christensen, J. D. Joannopoulos, M. Soljačić, Nano Letters 17, 3238 (2017)
- "All-angle negative refraction of highly squeezed plasmon and phonon polaritons in graphene–boron nitride heterostructures", Xiao Lin, Yi Yang, Nicholas Rivera, Josué J López, Yichen Shen, Ido Kaminer, Hongsheng Chen, Baile Zhang, John D Joannopoulos, Marin Soljačić, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 201701830 (2017)