Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol.529, 167908:1-8, 2021
Undergraduate Studies
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*The list contains only the publications affiliating HKU (Physics) or publications by members of our departments (sorted by publication year and the name of the Journal).
Photo-induced negative differential resistance and carrier-transport mechanisms in Bi2FeCrO6 resistive switching memory devices
S.C. Hu, Z.H. Tang, L. Zhang, D.J. Yao, Z.G. Liu, S.M. Zeng, X.B. Guo, Y.P. Jiang, X.G. Tang, L. Ma, Z.G. Nie, J. Gao
Journal of Materials Chemistry C, Vol.9(39), 13755-13760, 2021
An attractor dynamics in a non-Hermitian two-level system
C. Li, P. Wang, L. Jin, Z. Song
Journal of Physics Communications, Vol.5(10), 105011:1-9, 2021