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*The list contains only the publications affiliating HKU (Physics) or publications by members of our departments (sorted by publication year and the name of the Journal).

Implementation of Quantum Gates Based on Geometric Phases Accumulated in the Eigenstates of Periodic Invariant Operators

L.B. Shao, Z.D. Wang, D.Y. Xing

Physical Review A, Vol.75, 014301:1-4796, 2007

Simple Unconventional Geometric Scenario of One-Way Quantum Computation with Superconducting Qubits inside a Cavity

Z.Y. Xue, Z.D. Wang

Physical Review A, Vol.75, 064303:1-4, 2007

Quantum Critical Dynamics of a Qubit Coupled to an Isotropic Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick Bath

H.T. Quan, Z.D. Wang, C.P. Sun

Physical Review A, Vol.76, 012104:1-9, 2007

Multipartite Quantum Correlation and Entanglement in Four-Qubit Pure States

Y.K. Bai, D. Yang, Z.D. Wang

Physical Review A, Vol.76, 022336:1-7, 2007

Magnetic Quantum Phase Transition of Cold Atoms in an Optical Lattice

P.B. He, Q. Sun, P. Li, S.Q. Shen, W.M. Liu

Physical Review A, Vol.76, 043618:1-5, 2007

Reply to "Comment on 'Quantum String Seal is Insecure'"

H.F. Chau

Physical Review A, Vol.76, 056302:1-2, 2007